Laura Ingraham Vs David Hogg is the stupidest thing you’ll see all day

Laura Ingraham Vs David Hogg is the stupidest thing you’ll see all day

But in case you need something stupid to talk about...

David Hogg told TMZ he didn’t get into colleges he applied to. 

Laura Ingraham made fun of him in a tweet.  

David Hogg’s sister tweets to Melania that Laura Ingraham is cyber bullying her brother.  

David Hogg responded by tweeting a list of her advertisers on Fox and asked people to call them. 

“NUTRISH,” Rachel Ray’s horribly named food company, dropped its sponsorship.

Everyone’s retarded. The day is young. 

UPDATE: wayfair and TripAdvisor pulled their ads and Laura Ingraham apologized. Fartsmashingly stupid but lol


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